Saturday, April 26, 2014

Any One of Us Words From Prison at Out of the Blue Gallery

Last night I was privileged to see the first show on Opening night of Any One Of Us: Words From Prison, a local production in honor of V Day, a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls. This work was compiled by Eve Ensler in her work with women prisoner survivors of domestic violence. The production was powerful, emotional, riveting, engaging and at times a little repulsive in what it revealed about the capacity for cruelty and evil from the people who we are supposed to trust to love and protect us.

The show was produced by Chanelle Doctor, and the ensemble cast is a group of Lesley College students who act out these roles with passion and ferocity, moving from the states of dream like reveries of disappointed expectations to the rage of acting out defending their lives, their battered souls and bodies. The men who abused these women were family members, husbands, lovers, and prison guards, both professional and blue collar. If these women had died they would have been viewed as innocent martyrs to domestic violence, but because they survived by becoming perpetrators of violence, which they saw as the only choice left to them, they are imprisoned with the memories of abuse they did not ask for, and subject to the continuing abuse of prison guards. They have escaped one patriarchal abusive situation to end up in another.

Knowing how little time they had to rehearse the production, it is surprising in its finesse and attention to detail. Harsh realities are made harsher by the contrast of beautiful singing, and dance like menacing stage choreography. Violence against women is pervasive in our society, and many of us have been victims of domestic abuse and violence, or know someone who has. One point that is often overlooked is that violence against women also has a devastating effect on men who grow up witnessing and experiencing it and being emotionally traumatized by it, often perpetuating the cycle of abuse themselves. This cast does a superb job of giving a voice to the voiceless, and driving home the point that no one chooses to be abused. I could happen to any one of us.

The production has 3 shows remaining at Out of the Blue Gallery, 106 Prospect St. near Central Sq.

April 26 7pm and 9pm

April 27 3pm

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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