Saturday, February 14, 2015

..To boldly go out in the snow...or Facing life with courage and passion

One day I went to brunch with my friend Francesca. She was reading a book called Tiny Beautiful Things, a collection of advice essays by Cheryl Strayed, and highly recommended the book to me. I'm always looking for something interesting to read, so I checked out the book from the library as soon as I got the chance. I consider myself a student of life, so I love reading self-help books, biographies, and non-fiction, though I've come to realize that fiction is also a version of reality. It's using your imagination to think outside the box, and ponder the deep questions of life.

After finishing Tiny Beautiful Things, I wanted to know more about Cheryl Strayed, so I picked up her biography "Wild." Now, I am by no means an outdoorsy woman. I love indoor plumbing, bubblebaths, and am really hard pressed to take out the garbage in the winter, but I found this work strangely inspiring and intriguing, though hiking alone in the wilderness for hundreds of miles is something I would never do, literally. Figuratively, however, is another thing. I think we come alive as human beings, when we are able to transcend those walls of fear that keep us bound in the same place. A place of comfort can become a place of confinement when we are afraid to venture out and explore the world. No matter who we encounter on our path in life, we are essentially always in the company of one person only, ourselves. Life is the rugged, sometimes treacherous path where we may cut outselves, experience discomfort, and bleed, but if we do not have the courage to push ahead in the journey, we will miss seeing the beautiful panoramas and vistas, soulful sentient creatures, and fellow travelers who help facilitate our journey, as well as those who challenge us to find our strength.

During this winter blizzard all I have wanted to do is stay nestled in my cocoon knitting and watching tv, but I'm beginning to feel an urge to take out the garbage, and maybe even take the bus to the center of town to get a manicure. Like Cheryl Strayed, I am inspired to become an intrepid explorer of life.

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